Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 8: Curation

I learned a lot while researching for my storybook this weekend. Have you ever heard of the Irish Elk? They are pretty amazing creatures. I was unable to use them in my story because they went extinct long before my story was set. The males had antlers so large, it likely contributed to their extinction! Hey anything to impress the ladies.
(Skeleton of Irish Elk, Source Wikipedia)

Instead, i will be using the less impressive but still awesome red deer, the stags of which, are called harts.

I also found a page of Irish endearments that I would like to incorporate into my story.  I think when you add local dialog to a story it improves its authenticity.  It's really neat to explore these colloquialisms and try to puzzle out the pronunciations.

check it out here

I also found a great resource for writing dialog. Here is over 200 ways to say "said." Spice up that writing people. Along the same vein, the thesaurus is your friend.  Maybe I use it a bit much but I learn something new every time!

I have to say that I found bookmarks most helpful this week.  I finally started bookmarking all my comments and I look forward to following up on them this week. Happy blogging class!



  1. Hey there Kalin!

    Since I already commented on your introduction, I decided to take a look at your curation post! I had no idea Irish Elk had antlers that big! I wonder how it contributed to their extinction, that's crazy! Also, I am a huge, huge fan of the thesaurus, too! I really try to steer away from using the same words over and over again and I like to give my writing some more color. The 200 ways to say "said" is just a great resource by the way, thanks for including it!

  2. I love doing these curation posts, and was happy to see you doing them too!
    That elk is crazy looking! I think you should try to incorporate them into a story, if you're doing something Irish anyways. I think it would be really unique, and you could add that interesting picture with it.
    Thank you so much for that writing tip! Said is well, said, to be the best thing to use in dialogue, since it's basically invisible. But sometimes you need to use other words, and so that link is super helpful! I pinned it on my pinterest, since that is my favorite curation space!
